Friday, February 8, 2019

4 Reasons Why Moms Love Sposie Diaper Pads (You will too)

Moms, like you, are considered superhuman for the amount of work they do. They feed the baby, look after it, take good care of it and do it all, in a day.
They do superhuman work, that’s for sure, but like any other human being, they get exhausted. And to get recharged for the next day, they need a good sleep.
What stops them from getting good sleep? You guessed it, overnight diaper leaks.
The crying of the baby isn’t the main reason why you get irritated, it’s the reason why the baby started crying which gets you irritated.
This is where Sposie Diaper Booster Pads come in. These booster pads help you get rid of diaper leaks and let you enjoy a comfortable sleep.
Here are the 4 main reasons why moms love Sposie Diaper Pads:

More Sleep for You

Did you know new moms lose about one month’s sleep?
And sleep deprivation can lead to a lot of issues. It can damage your professional life, lower your productivity and increase the overall stress on your body.
Our booster pads let you get more sleep. When the baby will not wake up in the middle of the night because of an overnight diaper leak, you will certainly get those 8 – 12 hours of rest.

More Sleep for the Baby

Your baby requires a lot of sleep, more than 12 hours a day. Those diaper leaks not only disturb your baby’s sleep cycle but make it difficult for it gets back to sleep as well.
Additionally, diaper leaks lead to nappy rash, which can make it more uncomfortable for your baby to get back to sleep.
Our booster pads prevent this from happening. They increase the absorbency of the diaper. As a result, no fluids leak and irritate your baby’s sleep.

Assured Quality

Our diaper booster pads are made in the USA. They are free from any harmful chemicals and are completely safe.
They can hold up to a whole cup of additional fluid. This means you can get more than 12 hours of rest and peace of mind.

Versatile in Usage

You can use our diaper booster pads with any diaper brand. They are universal and work with both disposable diapers as well as cloth diapers.
You can use them during long commutes or naps as well. Due to such versatility, we highly recommend you keeping a number of Sposie diaper booster pads with you during a trip.


You must have realized now why moms love our Sposie Diaper Booster Pads. These simple booster pads ease up your day-to-day duties and help you get that much-required sleep.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask us. We’ll surely get back to you.